Ghost Mannequin Photography
Ghost Mannequin Product Photography
360Refinery creates ghost mannequin product photography for clothing brands.
Ghost mannequin photography has revolutionized the way products are showcased online. With its unique technique, it allows businesses to display their garments in a way that gives a three-dimensional effect, without the distraction of a visible mannequin.
A ghost mannequin photography service is essential for any brand looking to create professional and visually appealing product images. By using this technique, clothing items appear as if they are being worn by an invisible model, allowing customers to see the fit and style of the garment clearly.
A ghost mannequin photography service is essential for any brand looking to create professional and visually appealing product images. By using this technique, clothing items appear as if they are being worn by an invisible model, allowing customers to see the fit and style of the garment clearly.
We have team that specialize in creating crispy clean invisible mannequin photos for clothing items such as jackets, hoodies, dresses, lingerie, kids clothing, jeans, pants, and more. Ghost mannequin photos are created to resemble a 3d effect and in many cases are a combo or more than one photos put together to shot any parts that would have been hidden by a real model, but are used in post-production to create a ghost effect.

Clothing product photography requires careful preparation of the garments before taking photos to ensure they look clean and crispy without any creases. It is crucial to work with a skilled ghost mannequin photographer who understands the intricacies of this specialized form of photography. A professional ghost mannequin photography studio will have the expertise and equipment necessary to capture high-quality images that accurately represent your products.
Our stylists steam all garments before the they are presented in front of the camera and our retouchers edit out any left over imperfections to ensure that each ghost mannequin photo looks great and appealing to buyers online.
Invisible ghost mannequin photography offers numerous benefits for brands seeking to elevate their visual marketing efforts. It provides a clean and seamless look that focuses solely on the product itself, enhancing its appeal and increasing customer engagement.

Ghost mannequin images are a great way to show your clothing collection online and help buyers imagine themselves wearing the clothes. Ghost mannequin, also called invisible mannequin photos are simple and efficient photos that show the garments' shape without using a live model that can sometimes distract. Our ghost product photography is done in studio environment on mannequins specifically designed for ghost mannequin photography, which helps the garment look their best.
Before we takes invisible model photos of your garments, we will steam and prepare them, and after the photos are ready, our post-production team will do some magic to ensure any minor defects are removed and that also the inside of the garment invisible in the front, where naturally a a person or mannequin would be blocking that part. Ghost mannequin photos are an essential part of clothing photography an excellent way to present your collection on your website, Amazon, and other online marketplaces.
Ghost Mannequin Photography Pricing
Ghost mannequin photography prices starts at US$25/garment for a single photo per garment or US$55/ garment for a 3 photo set. In you have quantities of over 30 garments per booking, please send us an e-mail to inquire about pricing.
See an overview of clothing product photography pricing of services like on model photography and flatlay photography.

Whether you are an e-commerce business or a fashion retailer, investing in ghost mannequin product photography can significantly enhance your online presence. It creates consistency across your product catalog and helps customers visualize how the clothing will look when worn.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to showcase your products in their best light. Embrace ghost mannequin photography and partner with our team of professional photographers to bring your vision to life through stunning visuals that captivate your audience.
For more clothing photography services, see our clothing on model photography and clothing flatlay photography.
You may also be interested in some of the other China product photography services we provide.
See our base product photography price list.
Ghost Mannquin Photography
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