Slow Season? Use Summer to Stay Ahead of the Competition

in Marketing

Summer season is here and many people are taking the time to travel and enjoy the sunshine.

What should you do if sales are slower than the rest of the year? Should you be concerned?

Depending on your industry and product offering, business may be slower during Summer. Instead of feeling down and taking a a break, take the time to analyze and improve your Marketing strategies.

Lay the groundwork to stay ahead of your competition when vacation season ends.

Summer Project Ideas:

1. Copy analysis. Take a deeper look at engagement stats and conversion rates for your products individually. Are there any unicorns? Did any specific copy or images trigger a better than usual engagement and conversion rates? Why? Sometimes, the product may be better, but very likely there are things you can improve in a product's presentation and description to increase sales.

2. Lifestyle photography. Product shots are essential, but it is also important to help your customers establish a connection and imagine themselves using your product. Think lifestyle images. They don't have to be flashy billboard type ads, in fact the simpler and more honest the better. Brainstorm what type of engagement and feeling you want to portray and make a plan on the frequency and type of images you want to share.

3. Partnerships. Maybe you already have plenty of partners who help you reach a wider audience and keep the sales coming. Could there be something better? Even something as simple as providing your partners with more tools that will help them use less resources to move your product.

Do you use Summer to stay ahead of the competition? Share your projects ideas!

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