Best Strategies for Getting More Reviews on Amazon (2024)
If you are just starting an Amazon business you are probably wondering how you can get ahead of competitors with established listings that have hundreds or thousands of reviews. In this post we summarize the Best 5 Strategies to get reviews for brand new listings in 2022.
1. Maximize Sales - the reality of selling online is that not many people review products, so to get a lot of reviews you need to sell a lot of products and keep selling a lot of products to increase your chances of getting reviews. Now of course becomes, how do you get sales without reviews.
2. Get Buyers to Your Listing - if your listing doesn't have any reviews and is brand new, you will most likely need to engage in some sort of advertising to drive traffic to the listing. You can use Amazon's own advertising platform, or you can advertise the listing on social media or Google ads to attract visitors to your listing.
3. Create a Compelling Offer - When a buyer comes to the listing through the effort you have made, they will likely not want to make a purchase from a brand new listing, unless you have an established brand, or offer them a compelling reason to choose your listing instead of other, similar items. A good strategy is to sell the product at a discount for a limited amount of time to get those early sales you need to get the reviews.
4. Create a Great Product Listing - this should go without saying, but your listing should be informative an describe your product in detail both in text elements like bullet points, description, enhance content, keywords, and the visual parts, product on white photos, lifestyle photos, and ecommerce videos. Clients don't buy on price alone, even if your product is a great deal, people won't buy it, unless they trust the listing is true. So when creating the listing, you should focus on making sure it is a trues representation of your product.
5. Impress Your Clients - Once the sale is made comes the part where you have to deliver on your promise, and if you over-deliver, your customers will be very happy and leave a review.
6. FBM + FBA Mix - From what we have seen over the years, FBM orders get significantly more reviews that FBA orders. We are not sure why this happens, maybe clients expect Amazon to be perfect, and when things get smoothly they are just satisfied and don't feel the need to review, while for FBM orders it is more obvious that the order is not coming from Amazon itself, so people are most distrustful and happy when the order arrives.
What NOT to do:
1. Buy Reviews - do not under any circumstances buy reviews. We cringe in horror every time an aspiring Amazon seller shares that their reviews acquiring strategy consists of paying people to buy the product and write positing reviews. You should NOT do this. First of all, it is unethical and shows disrespect to the clients that you won't even yet have, by lying to them. And second Amazon has very complex algorithms that are looking for fake reviews all the time and they will flag your bought reviews and get your account suspended.